I have a new puppy. After Lukie was hit by a car, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to handle getting attached to another pup and then possibly losing him, but then fate intervened Freud style.
One night about 2 weeks ago, I vividly dreamt that I was back at home in Brookfield and was mysteriously drawn to my backyard where my boyhood sandbox used to be. Approaching the area, I found that a dog had just given birth to 4 black puppies. This dream was so vivid that when I woke up the next day I recounted it to my neighbors over our morning mate.
That same day I headed over to one of my favorite kilometro 16 families to drink some terere. Before we had even started to pass the guampa, one of the daughters in the family asks me: “Miguel, you wouldn’t happen to be interested in a new puppy, would you? Four black puppies were born in our kitchen last night. Holy crap I thought, my dreams have never told the future before. I headed back to their kitchen to take a look, and low and behold they were, four black puppies. This is when I realized that I clearly needed to heed this omen and adopt one a new pup. Six months from now I will probably be on one of those Animal Planet ‘my dog saved my life’ shows.
Clearly the puppy in the picture is not black (mine is the yellow one with white paws and tip of his tail). That is because I chose instead to adopt Lukie’s recently born half-brother (same mother, different father probably, it’s hard to tell around here who the daddy is). I am having some debate right now as to what to name the puppy. Suggestions are welcome. The front-running name right now is Petey. I hope that’s alright with you, Stoj.
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